5 Ways Nigerian Copywriters Can Make More Money Online

There's love in sharing.

5 Ways Nigerian Copywriters Can Make More Money Online

Nigerian copywriters are largely underpaid. Unfortunately, this situation has persisted for several reasons, “poverty” being the most obvious. Many Nigerian businesses are unable to pay copywriters sufficiently. 

Moreover, this underpayment has created many not-so-skillful copywriters. However, the trend shows that things are changing for the better, albeit gradually. But here are 5 tips for Nigerian copywriters who want to earn more.

A Nigerian copywriter on her laptop

#1 Ask for Referrals/Jobs

Do others know you write? If not, you’re making a grave mistake. Directly asking others to refer you or give you writing jobs is a powerful way to earn more. Some people are shy or too uncomfortable to make this request from strangers. But you don’t have to start there. 

You can start by rewriting your social media bio (WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, etc.). Does your bio or profile specifically say that you are a writer? In addition, you should publish some of your works on these platforms. Over time, friends and relatives will take these cues and have you in mind when they chance on writing opportunities. 

Also, another mistake to avoid is to be known for too many things. Granted, you may have multiple talents, but it’s helpful for most people to narrow their focus. So your bio shouldn’t read that you are a musician, coder, writer, man of God, digital marketer, and real estate agent. Otherwise, you will remain obscure for a long time. 

#2 Create Offers

Copywriters create irresistible offers, right? Newbie copywriters may lack the know-how to create, promote, and fulfil offers, but you have to start somewhere. 

You can offer to write short sales copy for a business you care about. You can also make offers that don’t pertain to writing. For example, do you have a skill you can teach others? Offer to train others for a fee. Or maybe you weave nice crochets, then challenge yourself to promote your own products. 

A great way to make more money and become known is by constantly churning out offers

#3 Run Paid Adverts

You can use paid adverts to promote your offers. It may be helpful to pick a particular social media platform to advertise on. Choose the one you’re most comfortable with, but you can later experiment with other platforms when you have a bigger advertisement budget. 

Creatives of the 21st century must learn to sell themselves. You either learn how to run ads or pay someone to advertise for you. 

#4 Message Other Nigerian Copywriters

Not all writers struggle to find jobs; some are overwhelmed with tasks and deadlines. These established writers may be part of your network, so you can message them directly. 

Of course, the focus shouldn’t be that you are looking for a job. No one cares what you are looking for. Instead, focus on helping them reduce their workload. Finding reliable young professionals who are also knowledgeable in a field is extremely difficult. So you’re without competition if you have these qualities

#5 Pitch to Artists

Many artists in the Nigerian scene manage their social media accounts and promote themselves. As a copywriter, you can join their campaign team to help these artists get more reach or cement their brand image online. Hence, offer to write promotional stuff for them.

I signed up to receive emails from Adekunle Gold. So when I got one of his letters, I replied with a suggestion to help him write or edit content. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a response. But he’s one of Nigeria’s most talented humans; it will be an honor to work with him.

Of course, landing a deal with an artiste can be a challenge. But the upside is that you are paid significantly more to do what you love. You may get the job or get a rejection, but you can’t be sure until you pitch


These above recommendations were part of the original 20ish tips I wrote down while searching for more income avenues. I hope they help. I’d release others subsequently, but you can check out my blog for similar posts.

There's love in sharing.

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